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The Square of Poets

There are three busts of three renown writers from Subotica on this square: Danilo Kiš (1935-1989), Géza Csáth (1887-1919) and Artúr Munk (1886-1955). The spirit of Subotica played a decisive role in their works. 

The Square to the Victims of Fascism and the Square of St. Theresa

The 18 meters wide and 8 meters high monument to the Victims of Fascism is the largest monument in Subotica. Its copper relief, The Group, was made by Toma Rosandić and his studio in 1950. In front of the monument is a rest area with a small fountain and a sculpture the Hands.

Trg slobode

Središni gradski trg uokviruju najreprezentetativnije subotičke građevine: Gradska kuća, Narodno pozorište i Gradska biblioteka. Na ovom trgu, zvezdasto se stapaju putevi i sreću ljudi iz svih delova grada. Ovo je i najveći gradski trg. Zato nije slučajno što se na ovom trgu tokom, bez obzira na doba godine, organizuju razne gradske proslave, zabave i koncerti.